There is often talk about 'power'. Often these conversations would make it seem that the word has a negative connotation. Power is usually addressed when it has been abused and misused. Though this is sometimes the case I would argue that everyone and everything has their own power and it is fear that causes one to abuse power, to limit others power, and to create an environment where people do not want to use their power. This cautious environment limits not only those whose power is being held at bay, but also those who are suppressing others power. In the following photos I have tried to capture the power of one woman who is not only physically powerful, but mentally and emotionally. This woman happens to be my younger sister and growing up with her I have seen her become one of the most powerful people I have ever met. Her power stems from her desire to see personal growth and fulfilled potential in everyone around her. It is her strength, her power that allows her to strengthen others. Power is not limited to being about to control, manipulate, and destroy things, it is inside each of us. We can choose to use it to build or to destroy, to make better or make things worse, to empower or disenfranchise. When we all are at our greatest potential we should not fear the power in others but encourage and nurture it. We should embrace others power and not live in caution. What will you do with your power?